Monday, December 14, 2009

There's A Possibility, There's A Possibility...

I have many friends, acquaintances, and very few close friends. I have this best friend, Jonathan, we’ve been best friends since I can remember, diapers I guess. I think the reason we’ve remained so close is because we’ve grown up together, all of life’s challenges, we’ve faced as a team. Everything from our first time getting drunk, to running away in the middle of the night cause I was mad at my parents, he’s always been there for me, and I’ve always been there for him, cause we’re like, a package deal, get one, your stuck with the other.

My dad explained us once, as on a different frequency than the rest of the world, and I have to agree, we don’t have to speak to know what the other is thinking, we have a strong connection and it cannot, and will not ever be broken. We share so many memories together, I don’t even know where to start, its almost not even fair to the others in our lives, cause I know, for me, he always will come first. Not to say we haven’t had out fights, issues, and serious problems, but at the end of the day, we love each other, and would die for each other. I have so much emotional support from him,

I don’t need any significant other in my life all the time. I look at other people who don’t know what to do with themselves when their single, and I’m so grateful that I don’t have that dependency, because of Jonathan. When we were young, we planned to get married and live in a pink house together with a Golden Retriever and a white picket fence, in Nova Scotia. Then he realized he was gay, I got over my teddy bear weddings and sailor moon games, and we realized that the love we felt for each other was not romantic, it was much deeper rooted, it was friendship at its strongest possibility.

Now, we’re older, and adults, we are still moving in together, but no, we’re not getting married. We’re going to live in a classy but homey apartment, in Toronto, not Nova Scotia, and we’re still getting a dog, preferably a Bernese Mountain dog, but we’re still looking. There’s no one else I could picture having this family life with without a romantic connection, and that’s what I love about us.

So be jealous, cause there are very few people in this world who get to have a best friend as amazing as my Jonathan, and share the same kind of bond we have,

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